Discover how DSD Planning Center can help you with smile design.


UPPER PRINCIPALDesign and Function
DSD Upper

A facially-driven digital wax up of the upper arch, considering a clinical and functional analysis of the patient.

DSDUPPERLOWERDesign and Function
DSD Upper & Lower

A facially-driven digital wax up of the upper and lower arch, considering a clinical and functional analysis of the patient.

DSD Interdisciplinary

DSD Interdisciplinary is our most comprehensive planning service considering all disciplines, which includes a Live Treatment Planning (LTP) session with one of our clinical experts to discuss and brainstorm the treatment plan.

DSD Lower DesignDesign and Function
DSD Lower

A facially-driven DSD Ideal Smile Design to guide the lower arch treatment plan.

Consultancy DSD Interdisciplinary

A facially driven smile design of your patient’s upper AND lower arches created in 5 separate STL files, within several different treatment simulations.

Ant Deprogrammer 6Design and Function
DSD Anterior Deprogrammer Design

The Deprogrammer can be used for CR registration OR bite lift with palatine support.