Optimizing Clinical Outcomes with Kois & Coachman March 2025 Reviews
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Ramin T Verified Buyer

If I could only go back in time to seven years ago when I first met Christian coachman. What I heard back then really made sense to me however I never continued and slowly my desire to pursue learning and implementing DSD in my practice eroded as life has a way of deciding where I should focus my attention. Thanks to persistence and relentless Pursuit by Maria Cabanellas I decided to take the Residency 1 in Miami. It would be an understatement to say I was blown away. I can’t thank Maria enough for not giving up. I guess she saw DSD as a perfect fit for me. I can’t agree more. Maria’s passion and dedication to DSD really drew me in to give DSD another look. My journey has begun, although 7 years late.