DSD Master

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Course Modules

Screenshot 2020 06 08 at 15 54 43
The DSD Mastership Process


Screenshot 2020 06 08 at 16 40 03
Proceso de DSD Mastership


Screenshot 2020 06 08 at 16 44 09
DSD Mastership case example
Captura de pantalla 2021 04 22 a las 10 58 16
DSD Mastership Template
IMG DSD ON DEMAND 2 Emotional presentation Journey
Emotional Presentation Template
Screenshot 2020 06 08 at 16 50 25
Motivational and Ideal
Screenshot 2020 06 08 at 16 52 56
Photo protocol
Screenshot 2020 10 06 at 13 38 44
DSD Mastership Documentation
Screenshot 2020 12 01 at 09 39 42
DSD Mastership Guideline
Screenshot 2020 12 01 at 09 41 52
Documentation Protocol Document
Captura de pantalla 2021 09 20 a las 13 05 02
DSD Planning Center overview