DSD Bite Splint Design
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DSD Bite Splint Design


The DSD Bite Splint (night guard) is designed to be worn after a full mouth rehabilitation to protect DSD Natural Restorations and/or DSD Direct composite restorations. The splint design can be used for both milling and printing.

This product is ideal when you need to protect restorations that have already been placed to help avoid possible fractures due to grinding and bruxism.

03 business days (DSD Clinics) / 05 business days (DSD Members)

This is a digital product, delivered in STL format.

An .STL file of the DSD Bite Splint design that can be used for manufacture, either by DSD Lab or your local lab.

No, you don't need any of our main planning products. To proceed with the DSD Bite Splint design, simply submit your case along with the new scans so that the guide can be designed accordingly.