DSD Direct Injected Manufacture
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DSD Direct Injected Manufacture

  • 🚨 You will be able to select the UPPER or LOWER option when you assign the product to a patient after purchase


The DSD Direct product allows you to deliver the direct composite injectable technique. This Manufacture option includes the initial and final situation models, which are designed according to the DSD Ideal Design.

Add this product if you wish for DSD Lab to manufacture the DSD Direct from the DSD Direct Design product.

03 business days + Shipping (DSD Clinics) / 05 business days + Shipping (DSD Members)

IMPORTANT: It’s mandatory to APPROVE the design of this product with DSD Planning Center so we can move forward with the manufacture.

Models: FormLabs Model resin

Direct Stents: Hexaclear Silicone

The manufactured DSD Direct stent printed product that we create from the .STL file of the DSD Direct Design.

Yes. We need the DSD Direct Design to manufacture the DSD Direct Stents.

And for the DSD Direct Design, you'll need to have added to the case a main design product: either the DSD Upper & Lower, DSD Upper, DSD Lower, DSD Ortho Planning + TPS or DSD Interdisciplinary.