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If this is your first case sending "Full Arch Implant Bridge Manufacture" or you have doubts about the files protocol, we highly recommend you schedule a live call with our LAB specialist so that the case runs smoothly.
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🚨 A sample list of compatible manufacturers for C Components:
Components may include regional implant manufacture, compatible with multiple manufacturers.
The DSD Full Arch Implant Bridge (C) is a milled monolithic zirconium screw retained bridge (pontic or hybrid). The bridge design is taken from the DSD Ideal Design, using natural tooth libraries and algorithms to achieve a natural outcome.
Here’s a sample list of compatible C Components manufacturers:
This product is ideal when you require a final full arch implant bridge as a copy of the initial DSD Ideal Design.
This can be either pre-implant placement when DSD has developed the treatment plan, OR in cases where you have already placed the implants without DSD planning, you will need to order a DSD Upper and/or Lower to assess the current situation to manufacture the implant bridge.
12 business days + Shipping (DSD Clinics) / 15 business days + Shipping (DSD Members)
IMPORTANT: It’s mandatory to APPROVE the design of this product with DSD Planning Center so we can move forward with the manufacture.
Models: FormLabs Model resin.
Bridge: Zirconia
The manufactured DSD Full arch implant bridge with the metallic interfaces already cemented and screws attached.
Yes. For us to design and manufacture the Full arch implant bridge, you'll need to have added to the case a main design product: either DSD Upper & Lower, DSD Upper, DSD Lower, DSD & Invisalign+TPS, DSD & Invisalign, DSD Ortho Planning or DSD Interdisciplinary.