By Carmen Caballero
⋅ 3 min read
⋅ 12 Jul 2023
My name is Dr Carmen Caballero and I’m a dentist and the DSD Master Clinical Director. Over the years, we have grown an impressive global network of DSD Master alumni who have successfully implemented the complete DSD digital and comprehensive workflows into their practices.
One of the most rewarding parts of my job is reviewing cases from dentists from around the world in their DSD implementation journey to become a DSD Master. There are many dentists with experience in digital dentistry who want to take their case planning and execution to the next level.I recently spoke with Dr Marco Coinu about his own experience with the DSD Master certification. Here’s what he had to share...

Dr Carmen Caballero: What were your reasons for starting the DSD Master certification?
Dr Marco Coinu: Once I started implementing DSD in my clinic, I found motivation at work every day. Following your own practice is exciting, and the day-to-day vitality of your business depends on you, so you'll be driven to make each day as productive as you can. DSD allows me to reap the benefits and achieve excellence. I decided to enroll in the DSD Master certification to continue to add this fulfillment to my everyday life.
Dr Caballero: Did the program meet your expectations?
Dr Coinu: The DSD Master certification consistently met my expectations and has demonstrated the value it adds to my job performance. I consider the concierge group (a private group for you and DSD implementation masters) particularly useful as a way to resolve doubts in a fast and efficient way.
Dr Caballero: Were there any unexpected benefits?
Dr Coinu: I didn’t expect how the DSD Master certification really helped enhance my case presentation skills.

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Dr Caballero: What challenges did you overcome in the process?
Dr Coinu: To be honest, the DSD Master certification was a very intuitive process for me and I didn’t experience challenges throughout the process.
Dr Caballero: What was your biggest takeaway?
Dr Coinu: That case presentation is one of the most critical systems in a dental practice as it has the most immediate effect on your bottom line. DSD Master certification experience has helped my presentations to be strong enough to stand on their own.
Dr Caballero: What is your next goal or challenge you're working towards?
Dr Coinu: My next goal is to turn my clinic in Sardinia into a DSD Clinic.
Dr Caballero: Would you recommend the DSD Master certification to other dentists?
Dr Coinu: Absolutely. The DSD Master certification experience enhances your case presentation skills because your practice ultimately depends on them. Case presentation involves more than simply educating patients about their dental condition and laying out the different treatment options. Persuading patients during case presentations requires a comprehensive strategy. By using DSD you can motivate patients more effectively to accept treatment.
Get certified as a DSD Master
Are you a dentist with experience in digital dentistry but want to take your case planning and execution to the next level of excellence?
To achieve DSD Master certification, participants must submit case presentations based on a range of criteria. The aspects that the DSD Master certification most takes into consideration are the quality of the documentation from beginning to end, the quality of the interdisciplinary treatment planning, and the use of all the DSD services available.
It's important to note that attending DSD Provider course is a prerequisite to qualifying for the DSD Master certification. This is for you to first gain a sufficient understanding of DSD concepts and workflows to get the most out of what the DSD Master certification has to offer.
If you’re ready to experience what the DSD Master certification can do for you and your dental business then we always recommend that you schedule a no-obligation call with one of our team members to discuss your specific needs and get started on your DSD journey today.
Join us today and become an official DSD Master!