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By Digital Smile Design

min read

⋅ 20 Aug 2020

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Facebook Lin coffe break Dr Tony Rotondo 4x

"It was probably the single best lesson I ever had in teaching: not to get emotionally invested in something that's really dear to you, a case or a material or a technique." Tony Rotondo

"That's when I realized the difference between showing cases and teaching." Christian Coachman

"And then I fell very quickly in love with lectures from Frank Spear, John Kois, Vince Kokich. I was listening to the, and I noticed the difference completely." Christian Coachman

"Bring the haters on board as much as you can." Christian Coachman

"As we learn in storytelling, we need to put the audience, the crowd, at the center of the story, as the hero of the story. The hero is not you." Christian Coachman

"There needs to be more room on the podiums for great academics." Tony Rotondo

"What exactly is your topic? Often it looks obvious, but it isn't." Christian Coachman

"When you start a technique, everybody needs to be already completely in love with the possibility of learning that technique." Christian Coachman