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By Digital Smile Design

min read

⋅ 25 Oct 2019

LEARNING HUB CARD IMAGE THUMBNAILS the journey of continuous improvement inside a dsd clinic

“I thought North America was the center of dentistry; of learning and teaching. Then I found myself in Madrid with no Americans and only two other Canadians; everyone else was from all over the world. And it was really interesting to see Christian and the team, and what they were doing, and what kind of dentistry was occurring everywhere else (outside of my little North American bubble). I was very inspired by that.”

“In total, it was less than a year from when I attended the first Residency to becoming a DSD Clinic. At the time it felt like things were moving slowly, but looking back I can see it happened really quickly. I always like things to go quickly, once I’ve bought into an idea.”

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“She had to learn how to help me with the technical presentations, understanding how to take the video, how to use the ring light, what the best light is to take records, and what we need in those records. Every time we take videos, we would sit together after and evaluate them to see where we could improve; checking the camera angles, lighting, room set-up, how to take the scan, and introducing the concept to the patient.”

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