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By Digital Smile Design

min read

⋅ 6 Jun 2019

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From that day on was very clear to me, I wanted to become a Smile Designer, a Dental Architect. I immediately quit art school and returned to my father's clinic to restart working as a ceramist.

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Helping our brain to see what we need to see. It's known that the human brain is underutilized so we should explore different tools to help us create better connection, speed up the learning curve and unveil our powerful capacity.

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For me, the amazing moment came when I realized that I could use all this knowledge in dentistry and become an architect/designer of the smile. The same year I started to teach drawings and artistic principles to technicians in Brazil.

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The smile design process is a creative artistic guessing process. A modern smile designer is a new specialist in the interdisciplinary team that has to combine a complex set of skills that involves architectural/designers skills, sculptor hand skills and dento-facial skills.

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