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By Digital Smile Design

min read

⋅ 28 Dec 2022

Pouyan Mehdizadeh FB Linked In Post
Captura de pantalla 2020 01 27 a las 12 02 01

"A clinical setting creates the psychology that you’re gonna be treated – you’re gonna be operated on. But what if we changed that?”

Captura de pantalla 2020 01 27 a las 12 04 21

“The reception area is a barrier, so you have to make it feel like a lounge, a living room, and that’s what we’re trying to do in DSD clinics now.”

Captura de pantalla 2020 01 27 a las 12 06 07

“If you are already delivering good dentistry, you deserve to get the value for that and unfortunately, good dentistry itself will not bring the whole value that you deserve.”

Captura de Pantalla 2022 12 28 a las 18 15 59